Ammas Restaurent - Philadelphia


Lassi is an ancient beverage from the Punjab region. It is a blended beverage made with yoghurt, water, herbs, and sometimes fruit.

Lassi can be made with a variety of flavours, including mango, mint, and ginger. It is effective at reducing acidity. It prevents heartburn and indigestion, which are common after a filling or spicy meal. It aids in intestine lubrication.

Lassi is high in protein, vitamins, minerals, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and other enzymes that help convert food into energy. It contains lactic acid and vitamin D, which boosts your immune system while also speeding up your metabolism and aiding in weight loss.

Lassi is an excellent health beverage. It contributes to the health of the skin. It improves texture and pigmentation, leaving your skin glowing and youthful. It also aids in the reduction of accumulated fat, particularly around the stomach. The nutrients and minerals in lassi are an excellent way to keep the body’s electrolyte balance in check. Low-fat curds are a great way to boost immunity while also losing weight.

It’s light and contains good bacteria that aid digestion in our intestines. In addition to aiding digestion, lassi can also aid in the prevention of constipation. Interestingly, Lassi contains water and curd, which aids in the treatment of stomach problems and diarrhoea. The probiotics contained in it make it an excellent way to keep the cholesterol in check and reduce blood pressure. Lassi is high in calcium, which helps to maintain bone health.

Lassi is effective at reducing acidity. It prevents heartburn and indigestion, which are common after a filling or spicy meal. Lassi aids in intestine lubrication.

Because of the aforementioned, it is best consumed after a meal. Additionally, lassi may help to soothe the digestive tract if you’ve eaten a lot of hot food.

Mango Lassi is a refreshing beverage made with fresh yoghurt or curd, milk, sweet mango segments, a touch of cinnamon, and optionally, ghee. It is so creamy and refreshing. Mango lassi is a healthy beverage because it contains a lot of carbohydrates from the mangoes. This sweet drink perfectly complements the spices in Indian food. It is similar to Masala Chai.

 To sum up, lassi is high in essential nutrients and good bacteria, which aid in stomach repair and overall gut health. Furthermore, lassi is cooling and calming, preventing sunstroke and nausea. What’s more, the presence of healthy protein aids in the development of muscle mass as well as the improvement of bone mineral density.

Though Mangoi Lassi has become so popular that it is now available as a ready drink at big stores, to have a fresh taste of juicy mangoes, and the goodness of fresh yogurt, visit your nearest Amma’s South Indian Restaurant, and enjoy the taste and the healthy benefits of Mango Lassi.

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